Now introducing a new Group Coaching Program


Now introducing a new Group Coaching Program 〰️

Spiritual Grief Recovery Group Coaching

For group coaching sessions, I am joined by Suzanne Baity, MSW, LSW. She is EMDR trained and will add a deeper level of understanding of spiritual trauma and best practices for coping. All groups will be capped at eight and be curated to help meet the needs of each individual member. Read on to find out more.

  • This group is for you...

    ...If your soul has been injured due to “high-control, high-demand” church experience, you find your spirituality a little skewed and distorted.

    ...If someone in a position of authority falls from grace, and it causes you to second guess your choices or if you struggle to trust again.

    ...If a fellow Christian lets you down by their words, broken confidences or unkind treatment, so that now you experience confusion as to what Godly relationships should look like.

  • Spiritual Grief Recovery Group Coaching is an opportunity to find solace with other soul-seekers.

    In group coaching, you gain a deeper understanding of who you are inside, learn from others in similar circumstances.

    Groups offer an opportunity to tell your story in a safe place and find faith in fresh places.

Has your soul has been injured?

Is your faith disillusioned?

Are your spiritual dreams shaken?

Have doubts wounded your faith?

Join with others who are healing!

Discover exciting paths to rebuilding!

Reawaken new and fresh dreams!

Allow others to help soothe your soul.

Is GROUP Coaching for me?

A great benefit to group coaching is what you learn in the company of other soul seekers. Here you will explore, in a safe and supportive environment, what authentic spirituality is.

The sessions will involve scripture and a short time of education conducive to growth and facing your spiritual injury. You will be involved in honest discussion as well as taking part in group activities and personal assessments from week to week. In this time, you will learn to deepen self-reflection, practice stillness and gain clearer insights into your spiritual needs. By making space for others and sharing your own stories, you will  build dynamic connections and learn from those who also long for soul health.

The cost is $299 per person. Each group will include a maximum of eight people and be organized based on needs. Groups will be scheduled one time each week for eight weeks, (with a one week break in the middle). If there is someone you would like to include in your group, please contact one of the group leaders upon registration.

Meet THE Group Leaders

Janet Marks and Suzanne Baity have joined together to offer Spiritual Grief Recovery Group Coaching to those who are looking for direction, support and camaraderie in the journey back to spiritual health. As Christian women who have also been injured spiritually, they will refresh you with their kindness, humor and wisdom. Suzanne and Janet are long time friends who have helped carry each others faith through heart-wrenching difficulties as well as the day-to-day challenges that come into every life.

They both have the distinction of being forthcoming yet heart-felt. You will love the dynamic of their shared wisdom, creative faith and the unique mindset they hold in their personal walk with God. Because of their stance and conviction, these groups are in high demand.

Don’t miss your shot!

You have two options:

  1. Place yourself on a waiting list for the next opening in a group, or

  2. Fill out a short form and schedule a complimentary 15-Minute Discovery session.

    This will allow us to introduce ourselves and see if we are a good fit!



Janet served in Christian ministries for over 25 years on both U.S. coasts,  in Texas and doing  mission work in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. She believes this experience has offered her the amazing opportunity to connect with diverse personalities who have endured soul injury in varying degrees.

As an author whose books have been widely received, Janet writes persistently about the need for us to pay close attention to the health of our soul. The books serve as a useful guide to that end and offer gentle  support to overcome soul injury.

  • Inhale, Breathe Deeply | Restore Your Soul.

  • Three Little Decisions, How to Move Beyond the Bruises of Life”

Whether on the page or on the stage, Janet shares her struggles and painful soul injuries with humor and unwavering honesty. She offers practical help to discover your beautiful soul.

Her story is one you won’t want to miss.

Suzanne baity

msw, lsw, emdr

Suzanne specializes in Trauma Informed Therapy and is trained in EMDR, which is the gold standard treatment for PTSD and Complex PTSD. It is her great passion is to use therapy to help people heal along with offering a balance of spiritual input. 

For over two decades, Suzanne helped lead Christian ministries across the U.S. These years of service included her tireless efforts in the non-profit sector, serving the marginalized and writing grants to secure funding for assistance programs.

She particularly enjoys working with people of faith to help them overcome spiritual trauma. Suzanne believes the intersection of her own faith and therapy training is her wheelhouse. It is here she uses her  spiritual training, along with therapeutic theory and intervention, to  help guide injured souls back to health.

Spiritual Grief Recovery is a passion that stems from her own journey of healing to a reclamation of healthy faith.

Her wisdom and empathy will refresh your spirit.