Christian Life Coaching

by Janet

Has your soul been injured?

When you have been spiritually bruised, it can shake your faith.

Maybe you feel disillusioned or disappointed, or somewhat adrift.

Do you need a little support?

Do you want to stop walking this earth as a wounded soul?

Coaching can help

What is

Christian Life Coaching?

Take the QUIZ to see how much you know!

Some wounds are perpetrated against us by others, while some injuries are inflicted upon us due to our own poor choices. Some soul scars are caused due to “high-control, high-demand” church experiences; other wounds come from difficult life circumstances.

For whatever reason your soul is injured, the result often leads to a weary faith and a weakened soul.

My journey into coaching comes out of a deep desire to help those whose soul has been injured.

My objective in Christian Life Coaching is to help other soul-seekers who are disappointed, disillusioned or distraught within the Christian arena. Church should be a safe place to practice our faith, and connection with Christians should be free from judgement and malice. Sadly, this isn't the case for many, (for me, it wasn't)!

Coaching sessions are a shared experience. You receive support in your journey of healing. I make space for you, I hear you and help you see more clearly. It is a sacred time and place, free of judgment, and full of ideas and input to help you find areas of fresh opportunity.

As you invite God to be a part of your growth process, you can be sure he will do his part to restore your soul and honor your hard work. Anytime we open ourselves to listening more closely for Gods voice, we gain confidence, clarify our purpose and walk out our faith with dignity.

I can’t heal your heart, (only God can do that) - I can’t make you want to heaL, (only you cAN DO THAT)

what I can do is offer INSIGHT, tools and support to help you make crucial steps forward

Do you have questions?

Is Christian Life Coaching for me?

Is Christian Life Coaching for me?

If you’ve never been coached before

here are some reasons why Christian Life Coaching works:

  • First, you are not simply trying to just get past your ordeal, but to go deeper and find soul wholeness. Plus, you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Working through your injuries with a coach offers you objectivity and fresh perspective. It works because you get reinforcement to equip you as you move toward genuine progress, (…and isn't progress what you long for)?

  • A coach asks thought provoking questions, provides guidance to help inspire change, set goals and help you rediscover purpose in your faith. Using proven strategies and techniques, you are able to learn important lessons in listening, connecting and deepening in your faith walk. Each assessment and activity is designed to help you move beyond the spiritual injuries that try to hold you back.

  • Also, studies show that simply saying the words out loud, "I need help" enables you to accept valuable input and thereby accomplish so much more. As your coach, I will be your support, sounding board, idea-generator and biggest fan.

  • In our coaching sessions, you will learn to be more self-reflective and in so doing, be able to take steps toward healing what may be lingering within.

Christian Life Coaching helps you create a roadmap

— from where you are

to where you want to go.

“Change the way you SEE!”

To explore some benefits of Christian Life Coaching and introduce ourselves, click below to fill out a short questionnaire and Schedule a complimentary 15-Minute Discovery Session.

A few voices from those who have invested in soul health:

“I love Janet’s vulnerable approach. She helped me to make some better decisions, reframe my perspective and move toward a healthier and beautiful soul. Thank you for your heart to help!” (Diane L.)

“Janet’s ideas are thought-provoking and comforting. I enjoyed several ‘ah-ha’ moments in the time we shared together.“ (Cheryl C.)

“She helped me work through a 3-year blockage due to my unwillingness to forgive. Her prompts were just what I needed to motivate me to stop being stubborn and act more Christ-like. It’s amazing how at peace my soul feels now.” (Sheri D.)


Janet has almost 30 years of leading Christian ministries, in the US and Europe, which has offered her the amazing opportunity to help people in diverse situations. Her experiences have connected her with many people who have experienced soul injury in varying degrees. Janet says, “It stirs my heart to help people grow beyond their wounds and to witness their heartfelt transformation”.

As an author of two books, covering vital topics about Soul Health and Personal Spiritual Growth, Janet teaches the value of intentional care for our soul. Whether in heart-to-heart talks or speaking to vast crowds, she understands the deep desire we each have for a healthy soul.

It is her great joy to come alongside, to offer you insight and share in your journey toward better soul health.

psssst… you’ve got a beautiful soul!


As you learn to be more self-reflective and pay attention to the health of your soul, you identify what holds you back and gain fresh perspective to move beyond spiritual injury. These are the very provisions you need to rebuild after spiritual setback.

Each coaching session includes honest conversation, scripture, prayer, and collaborated strategizing. It is the job of the coach to ask questions to prompt deeper thought. Together we will create a customized plan to develop wellness in your soul. If we unearth tender areas, we work gently to move you through this time of healing.

You, the client, will determine the pace, the agenda, the amount of accountability, and the objectives to accomplish. It is the client’s responsibility to complete assessments and activities to attain the highest possible success.

psssst…you are worth the investment!