Christian Life Coaching

by Janet

Take advantage of this 15-Minute Discovery Session to get acquainted and discuss your coaching needs.

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Complimentary 15 Minute Discovery Session


Complimentary 15 Minute Discovery Session 〰️

Scroll down to find the assortment of: Coaching Packages, Definitions & Pricing


Four 50-minute sessions

If your faith has been battered, or if you feel bored, or if you are simply looking for a fresh spark in your relationship with God, this package is for you! Christian-Life Coaching will offer you practical tools to guide and help you make better decisions to attain deeper soul health.

Each session will help you re-align your faith and strengthen your connection with God. These sessions will Include a Spiritual-Practice Assessment and a Faith-Journey Timeline review. Also, get personalized guidance for deeper soul reflection, for quieting and better habits of listening. What a way to refresh your soul!


Six 50-minute sessions

Most requested

Your soul is precious, unique and unrivaled! When you face spiritual injury, it can be easy to forget how God sees your soul. These sessions will offer realistic tools to transform your point of view and help you see yourself as God does. You will complete a Spiritual Practice Assessment and a Strengths Assessment to identify your passions and calling.

We will asses your Faith-Journey Timeline to watch for patterns of growth vs. stagnation. This is your chance to reconnect with your authentic faith and renew your joy!


Eight 50-minute sessions

Sometimes, the wounds inflicted by others will impact your belief system in detrimental ways. It may possibly lead to disillusionment, bitterness, doubts and/or disappointment. In these extensive sessions we  will work to help you identify and heal from injuries in your soul. As your coach, I will help you work through a Spiritual Practice Assessment, a Strengths Assessment and a Holistic Soul-Care Checklist to assure you have a comprehensive plan for maintaining a healthy and vibrant soul. This is a perfect opportunity to revive your soul!


Ten 50-minute session Christian LEADERS

Coaching for Christian leaders is designed to guide you, as a leader to deepen your connection with God, and in turn enable you to lead others from a more genuine faith. These sessions include Spiritual Growth Review, Gifts Evaluation and a Scripture Engagement Assessment. Also deepen your understanding about Gracious Shepherding and Personal Sabbath. This coaching package is designed to rekindle your soul and help you find creative avenues to help stir the hearts of those you lead.